Saturday, September 18, 2010

Open Road Community Feed

Open Road Community Feed

Ford wants 20,000 to test F-150 pickups with turbos

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 11:02 AM PDT

The auto industry is full of tough tasks. Someone had to try to sell cars they knew were ugly, like the Pontiac Aztek, or with reputations for lousy quality, like Yugos. Or they had to sell those that were just plain unpopular, like the Edsel. Now Ford has its own daunting task: trying to sell hardcore pickup truck fans on an F-150 with a turbo.

China mulls forcing automakers to devulge electric-car secrets

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 03:05 AM PDT

The fastest way for China to develop a thriving electric-car industry that can overwhelm the West: Require foreign automakers to give up their electric car secrets and technology as a condition of selling cars in China.